1. mai markerer Valborgsmesse eller Gaukemesse (Gauksdagen), som den ble kalt i Norge ~ en viktig dag i folketradisjonene våre, som spådde sommerværet og innledet den første sommermåneden.
Today I woke up with a great peace, carving out deeptime to write some reflections in the midst of transitions. I feel a deep sense of gratitude for all of the masters and teachers having walked the path of the Great Work before us. Teachers that help us anchor and guard the wisdom and practice of the ages into our bones, womb and heartsoil.
~ P A N C H A K A R M A ~
Exhaling as I am washed up at the Port of Ports, Portal of Portals, Harbour of Harbours ~ of Hope after lightyears sailing the frothing seas of Kali Yuga. Rescued from death by drowning in dangerously disturbed doshas. Being thrown a lifeline by the Statute of Liberation herself, as she pulled me out of the muddy waters of wear and tear ~ Ah, the scent of Lady Lotusflower, always watching, keeping near.. A’Board Her Ship, to find my Place and Grab the Ore, to Go Beyond the Gate of Gates of Gate Gate ~ a voyage to my very own Core:Wound of Divorce ~ and the brutal disconnect from Source.
~ D E N G R Ø N N E K O M E T E N ~
Akkurat nå seiler kometen C/2022 E3- ZTF over nattehimmelen. Vi som bor på den nordlige halvkule kan lokalisere den mellom Pleiadene og stjernebildene Orion og Tyren, tett opp mot Planeten Mars. Den er mest synlig, og står høyest på himmelen rett før Morgengry. Hvis du har teleskop kan du se den enda bedre. Jeg har ikke teleskop men jeg har en veldig god fantasi og kan se den sprakende massen suse forbi med en vill energi, som en evighetskule av lava!
Sist C/2022 E3-ZTF var synlig fra Planeten Jorda var for 50,000 siden. En tid hvor istid og klimaendringer førte til at menneskene måtte begynne å tenke mer strategisk for å kunne overleve fra sesong til sesong. Neandertalerne måtte sende skaperkraften og livskraften videre til Homo Sapiens’ yrende synapser og evne til å finne opp skapere verktøy og metoder. Samtidig er det viktig å huske på at folket som levde for 50,000 år siden også besatte en nærmest magisk egenskap: tilstedeværelse og en unik forståelse av sammenhenger, hvor en særskilt dybde kanskje gikk tapt med mer oppmerksomhet til fortid og fremtid?
Og 50,000 år senere befinner vi oss igjen i en fase i evolusjonen hvor vi har behov for nye verktøy for å håndtere klimaendringene og utfordringene vi står ovenfor. Nytt språk. Nye grenser. Nye rom. Ny forståelse. Denne teknologien er allerede i oss. Gjemt og latent i de naturlige forbindelsene til O.I. ~ Organisk Intelligens. Naturbevissthet. Utfordringen ligger i å koble oss på denne vibrasjonen. Å huske. Se til urfolket vårt.
For meg markerer C/2022 E3-ZTF overgangen til en ny tid for menneskeheten. Denne gangen er det ikke økser og knivblader som skjerpes, men skjelneevne og bevissthet. Fokus og oppmerksomhet. Indre verktøy som vil føre oss nærmere stjernene igjen. Nærmere naturen. Nærmere hverandre. Nærmere egen sannhet. Ledet frem av dyp tilstedeværelse og organisk intelligens ~ også kalt kjærlighet?
Føler jeg. Det kjennes rent. Det er vakkert.
The Seas of Pinecone Leadership
“I have been searching for principles of sustainable leadership all my professional life and felt that something important had been missing. With Pinecone Leadership, I have found ‘the missing link’. I am looking forward forward to seeing this movement grow.»
~ Head of Finance, Norfund
Vi står foran en av de største bevissthetsekspansjonene menneskeheten har opplevd på mange, mange år. I den anledning vil vi å blåse nytt liv i hva det vil si å være en bevisst leder i dagens utfordrende landskap! Vi ønsker å skape et levende nettverk av nordiske næringslivsledere som ser lyset i horisonten og ønsker å stå samlet som én stamme i møte med systemendringene som ligger foran oss.
Pinecone Leadership tilbyr en endringsreise- og et fellesskap for ledere som ønsker å harmonisere indre og ytre natur og utforske regenerativ ledelse i praksis. Over fire måneder og fire samlinger åpner vi et unikt rom for vekst og utfoldelse, samt klarhet og retning for din egen reise som leder.
Du vil guides inn i kontemplasjon, stillhet, sirkulasjon og naturkontakt sammen med andre våkne samfunnsledere. Du vil bli introdusert til endringsaktører som spesialiserer seg på indre natur ~ pust, næring, meditasjon, utfolkspraksis, kulturarv og naturarv.
Du vil få vekket livsgnisten, oppleve fornyet kraft i møte med en verden ute av balanse, og få verktøyene til å støtte opp om endringen på arbeidsplassen, med kolleger og familie. Og du vil få innsikt i det siste innen regenerativ ledelse, globale trender for bevisst lederskap og samskapelse, samt mulighetene vi nå står ovenfor for økonomisk systemendring.
Vi gleder oss til vinterens eventyr som begynner 9. februar, og ønsker å ha med oss et variert og solid reiselfølge. Les mer om reisen her, og la deg inspirere av sitater og erfaringer fra tidligere deltakere ~ https://www.pinecone.as/.
〜 Boudhanath - A Pilgrimage 〜
A pilgrimage opens like the cracking of a soft rose bud, new flowers are revealed.. A return to feel the warm breath of the Dakinis against my skin.. A home ~ an oasis ~ a sanctuary for prayers of the beyond. The grounds of Boudhanath, a guardian of presence, a place where mind surrenders to heart. The smell of the burning incense whirling up on each corner of the Stupa, the soft and sunbleached hues of the temples.. A rustling of prayer flags. An aliveness reflected and mirrored in fragments of my Soul. A cellular memory of a thousand roaring Snow Lions, a lineage reignited in the warm landscapes of my womb. Golden sunsets and flickering prayer candles against wild nights and howling of street dogs. Lemon, honey, ginger~dripping dreams. Carrying water from the glaciers of Jotunheimen to share with the Bagmati River ecology, for her to remember her purest form. A backpack filled with gratitude for prayers answered, layers shedded and wisdom received. A reignited vow. When the colours of Meditator ~ Artist ~ Warrior ~ dissolves into one brushstroke, one living dance. A footstep, then another. Bring on the present.
Norwegian Sage Apothecary : An Organic Love Affair
The Norwegian Sage Apothecary is now open for orders. It’s been a wild and nourishing harvest ~ and the spirits of nature are eager to serve body, mind and soul…
The elixirs are pure gifts from nature, soul medicine from the depths of my heart, a coming of my own love affair with the wild weeds and landscapes. They are distillations of our nordic ecology, answers to imbalances and guardians of connection ~ seeking to support our sensory journey into wholeness and health.
~ C H I A R O S C U R O : V O L A R E ~
‘Tis the Season of the Witch. Expect disobedience.. Expect wet, composting, leaves in her barefoot tracks. Water splashed across the bathroom when she enters her imaginary waterfall caves.. Expect the kind of woman who animates her surroundings. Tearing flares in the veils for the Unseen to be revealed. Cracking open Prima Mater. A woman dancing with the fire, ignited by thunderstorms, digging her teeth into the seasonal harvest and rebirthing herself with the Morning Dew. Expect a rainbow~spectered nervous system reflecting the pulsating waves of Mother Earth. BellyWalk and EarthSpeak. A continous dance~off~and~on with the Nature Spirits, falling exhausted to the ground after playtime. Expect the dishes to remain dirty as the house is painted with muddy traces of forest adventures, and fresh bruises from tumbling across rocks and roots. Fermentations, fire cider and fierce flavors. Raindeer antlers and masi quartz guarding the altar.. Deep dialogues with Crystals.. and multidimensional journeys to meet with their Masters.. Free fallin’ into the glowing embers and creative chaos. WitchHunt ~ a’ hunting for the lessons of lost, the spells and elixirs hidden in our DNA and myceleal undergrowth. Amanita Magenta Solve et Coagula Regenerera Vulva Evolva ~ Swāhā ~ Wow. Expect to see the amethyst and scarlet flames rage in her Iris. Labradorite~ and ritual ravens fluttering in the creases of her clothing, woolen wraps and hooded cloaks.. Black ink chariots riding across pages of white paper as she opens to receive the soothing and ravishing streams of Source. And then ~ periods of deep and lasting peace as she unwinds in rest - having given birth to Universes. ‘Tis the season of the Witch. Expect disobedience.
Stillness. All i need is stillness. Stillness to dwell in. Stillness to listen to. Stillness to curl up in. The scratch of a match-stick ablaze. The first flicker of a flame. A crackle in the fire. A black ~ and still enough~ness. An onyx, mahogany obsidian kind of stillness ~ absorbing and swallowing me whole. A fertile darkness kind of stillness. Orange maple leaves rustling against the rooftop and Japanese plum sake in a clean glass~ kind of stillness. Golden oil poored into jars kind of stillness.. A kind ~ and all embracing stillness. Slow. Empty. Potent. A Cheia de Graça kind of stillness. Awaiting her next move kind of stillness. A void of all ancestral voices still.. ness.. Ridden with less ~ and less ~ and less.. A pulsating heartbeat in a womb.. The silence of an empty tomb. A lazy river touched by scarlet autumn leaves. The first touch of a black-ink-dripping calligraphy brush against handmade paper kind of stillness. An unraveling anthology. The contours of a darker me. Devouring. Gushing. Raw. Charcoal. Stillness. Mmhmm.. Yes. That.
~ Long Live the Queen ~
Women, give your blood to the waters
Bring your mothers, your sisters, and your daughters
Learn to let go - and open your flow
Quenching the thirst.. of Our Mother Earth
Women, stir your liquids in the lakes
Howl to the fullness of your Moon as the Illusion breaks
The fresher the blood - the more potent the mud
That allows for her Grace to awake..
Women, share this wisdom with the youth:
That our Organic Matrix holds the greatest of truth
Attune to your Well and Her Majesty’s swell
So our Matters will again run smooth..
Women, offer your drops to the fire
And behold as your spirit soars higher
With the codes of our wombs, she will open the tombs
For ever to stream - the red velvet of the Queen.
Women, wear your blood as a gown
With the Ruby in the centre of your Crown
Rewriting the tales of old - a story yet to unfold
An Empire rises as another winds down..
Women, share your blood with the rivers
And rest assured as her magic delivers..
For each emptied Grail - is an invitation to sail
on the winds of our beloved life-giver..
So, Women seal your service with a kiss
To honour Mother Nature’s mysterious bliss..
Go about with your chores and settle your scores
Holding firm the One Power that is.
〜 Sannhetens Sang 〜
Takk til alle som er med ~
på å legemgjøre en helt ny form
for ekspanderende bevisst(kjærlig)het
som nå er i ferd med å bre seg over landet..
.. og i vannet..
Takk til alle som tillater seg å føle det..
Og lar alle cellene få nyte ~ og oppleve å se!
Én dypere forståelse
som bryter opp fastlåste sinn - og sinne.
Trygghet i korsbeinet.
Ett felles hjerteslag.
Fra depresjon og separasjon.
Til indre fred, union ~ og relasjon.
Det er nå det skjer.
Kjenner du tidløshetens bølger som gynger?
Hører du suset fra sannheten som synger?
Ser du det karmiske gullet på bunnen?
Smaker du varme grensers honning i hele munnen?
Sanser du strømmen på toppen av hodet?
Som forbinder vår skimrende trone og krone?
Vi måtte dypt, vi måtte inn.
Og følge hjertets klare vind.
Vi måtte dypt, vi måtte ned.
Til urkrafts~ild
og sjelefred.
N A T U R ( E N ) L O V E R
Å vinne i livet er å la seg oppløses i kontrastenes dans ~ å dykke ned i ubevissthetens regntunge skylag og frigjøre skaperverkets potensiale.. For så å slynges til overflaten i evinnelig åpenbaring og mysterieekstase ~ å la seg seiles av jordas og himmelens symbiose.. Å vinne i livet er å oppdage naturen helbredende egenskaper i knusende ro og få mulighet til å lytte og hviske hennes visdom videre i ørene til de som er åpne for å motta magien.. Å vinne i livet er å integrere burotens livmorstøtte, brennelsens grensesetting, forglemmeieins sorglindring og løvetannens selvtillit.. Saltvannets allergirens og ferskvannets søte svøpe.. Å vinne i livet er en dyp viten om håpet i jorda, balansen spm gjenopprettes i øyeblikket - vi velger å tre ut ~ og inn i naturens multidimensjonalitet. Trygghet til slippe taket og å la nervesystemet reguleres av omgivelsene.. Hvert vingeslag et svar, hver fallende furukongle en gåte.. Hver sjøsterne et nytt spørsmål.. Og slik gjenstår livets mening som én eneste uendelig gjenforening… Hvor barnets lek blir å samle alle trådene for så å slippe dem igjen.. Og igjen.. Det glitrer i engleskjell og stillehavsøsters. Tangen lærer meg å flyte méd. Før var naturen grønn. Nå er den rosa, oransje, rød og lilla.. Ametyst, lavendel og ultrafiolett. Å vinne i livet er å la blikket hvile i øyeblikket ~ og la seg oppløses i kontrastenes dans så hele fargespekteret får komme til syne og regnbuen får bryte opp enhver stagnerte livsstrøm. Svalestup fra myceliebelagte svaberg ~ et overgangseventyr, å legge på svøm ~ i hjertet av en dypsommerdrøm..
~ Breath of the Wild, Lá Bealtaine ~
Breath of the Wild, Lá Bealtaine ~ “bright fire.” Tuning into the mystical realm between spring and summer.. A fire festival thrown in dedication to the nature spirits to ask for their divine blessings of abundance. Days spent in yin at the lake, listening to the birds awaken.. Making sense of the Villages and Shrines of Sølvsberget, unlocking new portals and tools as we wander.. Oh, what a wonderous world to live in. The last of winter’s dried firewood make for the golden flames to burn murky layers of shadows and a council with my beloved.. Cacao heating on the stove, the last of summer’s herbs in porcelain teapots and magical drops of birch sap quench the thirst of our spirits.. Seeds waking up from slumber in healthy soil.. Learning how to navigate ancient and modern technlogies.. Exploring the facets of The Great Reunion of God and Goddess, Nature and Church, Masculine and Feminine.. The many voices of the Magdalene are opening.. Rejoicing in the promise of the sacred trinity ~ fueling the fertile fires of inspiration and creativity ~ from shadow to light ~ and to divinity!
Sage Stories VII: Dissolving the Chrysalis of Winter
‘Solstice over Yggdrasil’, aquarelle with activated water, 2021
“It is in the wild places, where the edge of the Earth meets the corners of the sky, the human spirit is fed.”
- Art Wolfe
Dear friend,
It seems like ages ago since I last wrote, and life has taken some magic turns since the 11.11 portal. My womb told me to move out of the city, and in the midst of Covid fever, I had settled at the foot of Sølvsberget, in Gran, just north of Oslo.
The Earth is dripping with fresh source codes these days.. Wandering into the nordic winter lands, I see rainbows everywhere.. Softening our gaze, we can read between the lines of the Material Matrix.. She is preparing to awaken from deep sleep.. Preparing to stretch her fertile body towards the gleaming, honey~laced Sunrays..
Freeing myself from the shackles of the urban web, I found a deep sense of peace.. Longing for wilderness, hungry for space. A time for inner work, self-mastery, multidimensional energetic hygiene and a return to Sacred Union. I was welcomed into the cotton queendom of Winter, to pure elements and thoughts.
Coming home to my cycle, coming home to the silence of dawn, coming home to the quintessence of life.. The energy paths are clean here - we chop our own wood and drink water from a well. The forest is wild and inviting, the land and its creatures carry messages of old.
In the solitude of winter I am born anew. Deepening the dialogue with my inner Sun and Moon, I let go what is not meant for me and lick the dewdrops of each morning’s truth from the frozen waterlily leaves held captive by the ice on my inner lakes.. Intoxicated by the glistening sunrays on the crystalline surface, I exhale ~ wait.. Pause.. And allow myself to be absorbed in the bliss of the expanding moment..
Held by Nature, held by each activated cell in my body. Held by each tree present around me, each chirping bird and each wave kissing the shore.. Allowing her vibration to enter my own, becoming one with her ecstatic ripples and waves.. Mirroring her life force with mine, finding harmony and attuning to her flow.. Quiet. Solemn. Soft..
Days are spent melting in front of the fire, roaming the forests and exploring the edges of existence.. Trying my best to remain in an analogue reality despite the pressure of the digital realms. Winter also brought a deep-dive into nordic zen, inspired by the teaching of Thich Nath Hahn, a great teacher who recently passed. I find myself listening deeper, tuning into my centre from moment to moment, and following nature’s whispers as she flows through and around me - so gently, so softly - so simple..
In winter’s nurturing womb, we have also been busy imagining and birthing Pinecone Leadership, a platform for regenerative wisdom and practice. Pinecone aspires to guide and facilitate personal and professional empowerment journeys and cultivate a resilient ecosystem of conscious leaders in the nordics. We combine our nordic heritage, nature connection and ecosomatics with coaching, design and leadership development.
After having experienced the contractions of our current work ecologies on my own body, I was longing to build a workspace where my cycle was honoured and my feminine qualities are respected and nurtured forth. It is challenging to build a regenerative business without falling into old programming, especially when we are used to relying on these skills for survival, so I am facing some intricate navigation challenges.
This said, moving to Gran enables me to be closer to nature and uphold my dialogue with her magic on a day-to-day basis. The healing practice from Norwegian Sage will move to Glasshuset on Granavollen, and clients are welcomed to receive treatments and personal consultations. All the herbal remedies and flower essences from last summer’s harvest were distributed to the community, and I have been spending the dark days researching new blends for products and testing new formulas.
With the return of life in the soil, my sense of smell is also waking up after a mysterious cleanse… The first smell to arrive was the enchanting notes of Juniper.. The second was the sweet scent of my lover’s skin.. The third scent was Magnolia, flower of forgiveness.. And the forth was the aroma of Tiaré, whose essence helps us clarify imbalanced emotional turmoil by chosing love and detachment.. The Spirits of these beings are introducing themselves to me one by one, each with unique teachings..
I feel blessed to have been gifted the conditions to listen to and learn the whisperening ways of my Inner Nature ~ so I can share her voice with you. Scroll down to read more about seasonal offerings, upcoming gatherings and the upgraded marketplace!
With love,
Seasonal Offerings
I am here to serve your highest evolution and the soft unfolding of your human essence. With experience from both western and eastern healing traditions, the below remedies are carefully designed to meet your current needs.
1:1 Pathfinding Sessions - Gran and online.
Guided Medicine Journeys / Rites of Passage - on request
Upcoming Gatherings
March 1st - you can still sign up to SUN-2, a 9 month New Earth Mystery School training for intuitive souls by Akal Anand. SUN-2 is an academy to study the science + tech of kundalini yoga and meditation, interweaving practices of self-realization with principles of spiritual alignment and quantum reality teaching transmissions. I will be offering Gene Key workshops and guidance.
March 9th we gather for heart-opening and conscious sharing at Hjertekrigeren, a Mixed Gender Sharing Circle in the forests of Båntjern, Oslo.
June 27th - July 3rd you are invited to participate in ‘Our True North - Forest Fast’, a deep cleanse and spiritual reset in the forests of Harestua north of Oslo.
The market is now updated with new artworks, giftcards, talismans and tinctures. The tinctures are foraged in the wild coastal areas of Norway. The medicine cabinet currently holds Mugwort, St. John’s Wort, Chaga, Amanita Muscaria, Dandelion Root and Rose Root/Rhodiola Rosea.
The Birth of Pinecone Leadership
What does it mean to lead from our most authentic selves?
We have the pleasure of launching Pinecone Leadership, a glowing ward for regenerative leadership practice in the northern realms.
Our intention is to build a supportive and sustainable platform for leaders, groups and companies who would like to apply nature as a guide and arena for personal and professional development.
Pinecone offers a four month seasonal leadership journey in unique nature locations, from Oslo to Jotunheimen and beyond. Our next program, Pinecone X is offered to leaders who show positive influence and authentic engagement for the transition to a more conscious business environment.
We exist for leaders who have integrated sustainable development practice in their own work and are curious about the light of regeneration shining on the horizon. Leaders who have the courage to tread new pathways and be open about their experiences of navigating change and transitions. Leaders in touch with their inner and outer nature.
Pinecone Leadership offers a change to breathe deeply, reflect over your own vision and position, and contribute to a healthier and wholesome work culture. Together we will grow a thriving community of leaders and allies!
We offer our deepest gratitude to all teachers, leaders, supporters, family and friends that have contributed to the foundations of Pinecone, and we are excited to share the abundance!
Our first cohort gathers in just a few weeks..
Read more about the project on www.pinecone.as
〜 Bear With Me 〜
Since I returned to Norway and began ‘rising rooted’ I often experience visits from the Spirit Animals of the land. I have been raised on moose meat, as me grandfather was a hunter ~ and although I have transitioned to more non-violent ways, the powers are alive in me.
I have danced with the elegant tact and curiousity of the Fox. Later, the gracefulness and open heart of the Lynx. Heading into winter, I can feel the towering strength of the bear rising in my spine and body.
My family comes from a farm called Bjørnerud in Vestre Ådal ~ meaning ‘the clearing of the bear’, and I have memories of my grandparents telling stories and folk tales about these majestic creatures, leaving me in wife-eyed awe.
There is a deep roar waiting to be let out and a new source of courage awaiting to be imbibed. Like a bear wading out of a river and shaking her fur free from the muddy water, I am also shedding layers of fear and calling in the Mama and Papa bear to support the next phase of my journey.
Strength. Endurance. Softness. Care. Embraces. Wildness. Bring it on. And bear with me as I rise. Bear with me as I fall. Bear with me as I stumble forward on my path. Bear with me in all.
🐻 Call on BEAR with me? Use the hashtag #bearwithme and share something you have been scared to let go of or put out into the world. A truth. An art. A song. A secret..
lllustration: Eventyrhuset, adapted from Th. Kittelsen