Velkommen til et 90 minutters seminar om Gennøklene!
Er du nysgjerrig på Gene Keys og har lyst til å lære mer? På denne reisen blir du introdusert til:
Kunsten å kontemplere for å bevisstgjøre indre mørke/lys, frigjøre skaperkraft og potensiale.
Gennøklene som frekvensmedisin og synergiene mellom astrologi, I Ching, arketyper og epigenetikk.
Gene Key's Golden Path / Den Gyldne Vei og hvordan å lese og navigere ditt personlige kart.
Fundamentet for Heltereisen og hvordan du kan tilrettelegge for myk transformasjon i livet ditt.
Hjertets alkymi, balansen mellom maskulin/feminin, reisen fra kjernesår til helhet.
Skyggearbeid, transformasjon av skygger til gaver og hvordan integrere med dyptid i naturen.
Seminaret åpner med en guidet meditasjon og vi tar gode pauser underveis. Det vil bli satt av tid til spørsmål og svar.
Ved endt seminar vil du få tilsendt en pdf med oversikt over Spectrum of Consciousness / Bevissthetsspekteret og de 64 Gennøklene oversatt til norsk!
Caroline Ināya er er økoterapeut og sertifisert Gene Keys guide. Hun har studert systemet i 8 år, og loset flere hundre søkere inn i sine indre landskap. Hun har selv en dedikert praksis med Gennøklene for selvledelse og brenner for hvordan å forankre og oversette frekvensene inn i det norske språket.
Arrangementet er det første av flere norske seminarer om Gennøklene. Les mer om praksisen og last ned din gratis profil i forkant her og besøke Norwegian Sage her. Du kan også bestille boken 'The Gene Keys: Unlocking Your Higher Purpose' her.
"To perceive the inner light of illumination, you must first move through the imagination. The creative imagination is the means by which inner light is given shape in the mind and heart. Such a realm exists at a higher frequency that our ordinary thinking realm, so you will not be able to enter it through visualisation alone. The creative imagination must also be animated by a higher impulse, a spiritual longing that comes from your heart. This combination of aspiration and inspiration engages the causal body, our higher capacity to see the inner light.
Rooted in ancient wisdom and offering a gentle, easy-to-follow path of contemplation, the Gene Keys are an oasis of calm in a fast-paced world. Here you’ll find a journey of self-enquiry that challenges, questions and enlightens you about who you are and why you are.”
- Richard Rudd
The Gene Keys is a self-realization teaching method developed by Richard Rudd. The system encompasses a beautiful blend of genetics, quantum mechanics, personal development, myths, archetypes, and the ancient wisdom of astrology and the I’Ching.
Their purpose is to awaken you to your highest potential in life. There are 64 Gene Keys or ‘universal archetypes’, of which you have a unique profile that has a specific layout of keys within the 11 different spheres of your personal chart.
Each of the 64 Gene Keys have a Shadow, a Gift and a Siddhic frequency - The Siddhi reflecting us living at our highest possible frequency of expression in any given archetype - and we fluctuate between all of these states, through all of the keys, in each waking moment. As you contemplate the Gene Keys, physically, emotionally and mentally – they begin to raise your frequency, and that of your DNA.
The information in each key is extremely detailed and specific and is designed to make you aware of your shadow patterns - the reactive and repressed tendencies - so you can notice them when they arise and improve your behaviours to suit, so you are living more and more in the gift and siddhic field of life.
When we begin to transcend these patterns and embody these higher frequencies, we begin to unlock and activate these dormant codes in our DNA to release our full creative genius into the world...
A lot of people get put off, even unconsciously, by the thought of going in and taking an honest look at their shadow patterns. It’s vital to keep in mind that it is these shadow patterns that are the unconscious drivers of our thinking and decision making in our lives, and therefore keep us stuck in certain situations and cycles. Within all of these shadows, lay all of our gifts.
As soon as we begin to accept & embrace these patterns - which may just be a simple case of noticing when you play something out and not behaving in that way again – we begin to change our physiological and biological make up. We become more comfortable in our physical bodies, happy in our realities and we invite ever-increasing amounts of creativity, synchronicity and flow into our lives for longer and longer periods of time.
It’s all about accepting, embracing and transcending our shadows, the source of our suffering...
The Gene Keys are a profound teaching. They are dense with deep information that has layers of new insights and personal breakthroughs within. They have the ability to completely change your life, your relationships, your work and how things play out for you in the world for the better, you just need to commit and the magic will start to happen.
They are an interactive, living transmission. As soon as you start exploring them, it will bring in and highlight situations, circumstances and events that will allow you to realize what's playing out in your reality, what you need to be aware of and how to harness the potential that lies within...
"As you apply the insights from your Gene Keys to your life, you will literally reprogram your DNA with a new higher vision of yourself. Then you can simply watch as your new life begins to manifest. How far you go is limited only by your own imagination!"
“Your Hologenetic Profile is a personalized map of the various genetic sequences that will unlock or awaken different aspects of your genius. There are sequences governing your life purpose, your relationship patterns, your financial prosperity, your family dynamics, your developmental cycles as a child, your health and healing, and your spiritual awakening.”
~ Richard Rudd, first recipient of the Gene Keys transmission
I am an official Gene Keys Guide and affiliate. Our session can be held online through a video-call or personal transmissions in Oslo, Norway.
An introductory session usually lasts for around 1.5 to 2 hours.
You send me your date, time and place of birth.
We schedule a time and day that works best for both of us.
We meet for a dialogue where you get your personalised interpretation of your Hologentic Profile. You can ask questions about specific aspects of your life and how you can move into new fields of self-realization - and embodied awakening.
Many people continue their guidance after the session - you are then encouraged to dive deeper into the Gene Keys through self-study and contemplation. I will be available to help you navigate through the pathways as you explore the Gene Keys in more depth and detail.
I would highly recommend getting a copy of The Gene Keys: Unlocking the Higher Purpose Hidden in Your DNA, a foundation, guide and oracle for further study. You can also follow the Golden Path Courses step by step.
Value exchange. I use a sliding scale - from 1200 - 1600 Norwegian kroner. I am also open for value exchanges. Payments can be made through PayPal or VIPPS.
NB. If your email is not answered, it may have ended up in spam. Please find me on instagram @norwegiansage and send a direct message.
“The I Ching dates back to 3000 BC, to the reign of the emperor Fu Hsi, who invented the original trigrams. It is an oracle that charts the flow of yin and yang energies, revealing glimpses into the higher order of the universe; it is also a book of Taoist philosophy offering guidance as to proper conduct and procedure as we make our way through this human journey.
The sixty-four hexagrams are all possibilities, archetypes, all circulating within our individual and collective being at any given time. By invoking the power of divine wisdom, our awareness is brought to bear on those aspects of ourselves—mental patterns, habits, persistent thought forms—that create a feeling of separation. The timing of the I Ching hexagram holds the key to our liberation from the belief in an inauthentic self and opens our path once again to experiencing our truth: union with the divine, Oneness.”
Excerpt from The New Earth I Ching, by Bobby Klein
Copyright Richard Rudd - Explore the Living Library and Community Garden Contribute your Creative Contemplations!
“Absolutely revolutionary wisdom that I highly recommend. Caroline did a wonderful job in facilitating the Gene Keys profile in a way that i could see more deeply into myself and why I am here. For anyone that wants to connect with their higher purpose and activate their power.”
〜 Anders
“You can't put a price tag on the help Caroline can provide. She holds a warm, nurturing and safe space. As a masseuse she is intently and intuitively aware. Her healing abilities are otherworldly.. she made me feel seen on multiple levels and provided meaningful guidance of true substance that I will carry into the season to come.”
“Caroline has a unique gift. She decodes complicated Gene-Key profiles with ease and weaves intuitive wisdom into her sessions. Her warmth and kindness come through during her sessions too. I look forward to seeing her in Norway and going out in the forest for therapy with the trees. I recommend her services; you will learn so much about yourself and Earthly wisdom.”
〜 Joanne
“The Gene Keys session by Caroline was very insightful and interesting. I highly recommend her to anyone looking to gain more wisdom and knowledge about their path.”
〜 Margit