Winter brings slowness and purity.. Snowflake fractals and glimmering sunbeams touching the frosted ground.. The sun has turned, and the light of our inner sun is also growing - and glowing.. The light of our inner fire.. Be sure to nurture this fire with sacred fuel.. Fuel for mind, fuel for body.. You are allowed to rest, to slow down.. Tune into the stillness Mother Nature wraps around us in these months... Each moment is an opportunity for taking a deep breath, closing your eyes, listening to the ripples on your inner lake..
Meditation ~ the gracious art of tuning our brainwaves from beta to alpha and theta states so we can influence and reprogram the autonomic nervous system and create a deep-rooted heart-mind coherence.. Enhancing the energetic/pranic magnetic field of our individual and collective bodies and turn our beings into regenerative bio-ecologies, transforming the very foundations of our magically mystical human experience.
In meditation, we surrendering to the breath as our ultimate teacher, caressing the shadows and blockages we need to shed light on for my frequency to rise - and prolong this state into my continuous stream of movement.. In meditation, we let our breath flow unobstructed, allowing us to activate the pineal gland so we can move beyond the space-time continuum and into the time-space (quantum) reality ~ the eternal heart of the present moment.
Meditation can open us to a profound sensitivity to the elements and natural forces.. When our sensitivity deepens, a silence descends on our being, where we become increasingly at-tuned and at-one-d to the elements.. Understanding which vibrations weave us further into the fabric of existence, and which separate us from experiencing unity.. Tan~Tra.. Creating fluid boundaries around our inner snowflake-crystal-essence, keeping it clean and pristine.. Asking - how can I clean honour temple that is both me and my wider circles, and how can I be of service to the ultimate healing force? How can I make sure each cell in my organism feels nurtured, seen and of value to the larger whole…? Trusting that surrender will bring about the shift between breathing and 'being breathed' - towards greater wholeness and unity..
Meditation allows me to cultivate the feminine, water-like yin-aspects of my self - intuition, self-love, compassion, subtle sensations.. An-ever growing a(re)spiration to live in freedom, from the comfort and conditions of the outer world - freedom to live from my inner queendom - nurtured by light and love.. Ever enhancing and empowering my inner sustainability..
What is the state of your inner lake, your inner eye of water? Meditation is the most natural and innovative medicine we can apply to our lives to explore this source.. If you are new to meditation and want to learn, get in touch for a private session with mantra and sound.. I teach by donation.. Another pathway and challenge is to participate in a 11-day silent vipassana (insight) meditation course.. Find your closest centre here ~