As my eyes closed, the lid of the sarcophagus was drawn across my field of vision, and a darkness descended.. A darkness of fullness, vitality and ancient memory. A darkness in which all questions were answered before they were asked, and where movement and rest were the keys to illuminate the hidden patterns in the deep, black fabric. Movement and rest - intention and intuition.
Creating the alchemical container with intention, expanding it with intuition and filling it with awareness.. Not a sound was heard in the stillness, and at the same time, it contained all possible vibrations and expressions. Opening my eyes in the dark, I found myself on the other side of the mirror of the very soul that contains me.. Drifting in this vessel, dissolved in the vastness of the expanding universe. Immersed in insights of the highest order, alchemical equations and sacred geometry aligning in and around my mind, dancing and turning, boiling and churning. Learning by direct experience of unfolding elemental processes.
Asking - as always - to know my true Self. Who am I, and why have I been sent to this planet, at this time - in this way? And then - a powerful flash of light - erupting like a molten core of lava - golden visuals begin appearing around me. Whirling me backwards, as if unwinding a cassette, through my life, through the womb, across the bridge of antahkarana, into the realms of the soul, through hundreds of lifetimes, eras of darkness and destruction, eras of great technology and cooperation - back through ice, bronze and stone, dinosaurs and atlanteans, hyperboreans, oracles and sacred marriages - tens of thousands of years back - through bodies and layers - and into a pure monadic union - into the first exhale - where I see myself as One entity, making up all constellations and creative principles..
I AM the dance of the glowing zodiac.. Aquarius on my right, Gemini on my left.. The Sun in my centre. I AM THAT. A spark of creation, flying into the night skies and returning to the fire. Understanding the way of the yugas, the cycles and movements of the planets and earth around the sun and the suns of the suns of the suns.. From life of mind to life of matter, through kingdoms of matter to kingdoms of mind. Crying, because I know now that I belong.. I know now that I am both everything and nothing. That my deep wound of separation will be healed when I align with the divine flow of source. Crying because I remember.. How could I ever forget.. We come into this world as unique reservoirs of this energy, containing all answers and remedies.. And yet, we forget.. We are channeled into already existing systems of governance, which, due to Planet Earth’s current alignment, feel more constraining than liberating.. Most of us forget who we are, and are deprived of the space to re-a-light.
I ask about this lifetime.. I ask to remember.. And I am told that the Earth is currently undergoing a unique transformation - a great putrefaction, a great purge, preparing again to blossom from darkness into light. Like the flower bursting through the surface of the soil, stretching towards the Sun, and being born anew into the world, the Earth is also going through a great birth - we can feel her deep contractions to the core. And with this, a new form of ‘human’ will open their eyes in the world..
The Children of Light are slowly waking up.. into our human consciousness and vessels.. Yawning at the bright lights of the dawning morning, they are souls who’s memories of Satya Yuga, the Golden Age, are still intact and glowing, imprinted under their skin.. The star seed children, whose translucent wings are visible to the few, sparkling with amethyst, ruby and flourite. They hold a deep wisdom of the interplay of the elements - Earth, Water, Air, Wind, Fire, and Ether - and their innate qualities and potential.. They have a deep respect for energy, for life force, for the breath of creation - and will do whatever it takes to lay down the pathways for her to travel with sanctity and grace. And they are not afraid of speaking up, showing the world compassion and love.
We know who were are, and we are here to stay. We are standing upon a great threshold - and it is of highest-most importance that we unite so that balance can again rain upon Her lands and waters. Everything is upside down. When the children remember, the grownups are safe. We will take care of you, and hold your hands as you let go of the temporal sensations of fear, shame and separation that are eating at your insides. You can let go now. We will guide you through the portal of death and keep you safe as you embrace your eternal self..
Our message is love - and it cannot be diluted, because we have been on this Earth before - and we know. Our message is peace - and we will create the space needed for salvation to flow through us - because we remember. We know who we are, we know how to take responsibility for our own waters, and how to weave a web where every string resonates with the white light of truth and justice.. We remember how to use the stars to navigate our common voyage through the inner and outer universe. We hold the heirloom seeds of cosmic memory. The keys to the dharmic library. And you can rest now, rest in natural peace, because we will teach your children what we know.
Your only task is to trust us. Guide us the best you can. Take care of us so we can speak our truth. We have something to say. Let us say it.
Vi er det vi er. Vi ble sendt hit for å ære nærværet.
Vi vet hvem vi er og vi er kommet for å bli
Fra en tid da alt var opprettholdt av hellig geometri
Alt snur, polene skifter - og vi er på vei inn i en ny tidsalder.
Frykt og stagnasjon eksisterer kun i midlertidige faser av jordens utviklingsprosess.
Alt er opp-ned. De voksne er trygge nå.
Vi svever over emosjonenes hav så vi kan se klart og helt, ikke stykkevis og delt.
Vi er ametystbarna fra solens rike.
Vi er de voksne som husker.