In the end of June we invite a group of fellow travellers to grasp the opportunity of deep reconnection with their own being, unobscured by the veil of life’s artificial distractions.. An opportunity for rest and introspection. Deep contemplation, inquiry and reflection. An opportunity to detox. Detox from the digital. Detox from the chemical. An opportunity to simply be. To find the moment in ancient, intact, unblemished nature so that clear sight – clear vision – can emerge. A true break. Our True North. To shed dead skin and connect with the warm embrace of the great ephemeral, interdependent web of Mother Earth.
This is a seven day excursion to an ancient, old-growth forest, where we will partake in a five day water fast in solitude. On the first and last day, participants come together for mutual support and fellowship. In the middle days, participants attend only to themselves. The organizers will be holding space for participants throughout the endeavor, available for support and reflections.
The body’s physiological reactions to the fasting state creates a very unique mental/cognitive space that is useful for contemplation and inner inquiry. Grounding. Seeking and settling in one’s deeper truth. One’s “spirituality” so to speak. Combining this with a setting and surrounding that replaces human components with the power of and presence of ancient nature is where fasting shows a great deal of promise. It offers an arena for recovering from the diseases of modern life, aids longevity, and reconnects us with nature based lifestyles of ancient ancestors.
In the extravagance of our culture, fasting seems for many to be a form of extreme self deprivation, but for generations over millennia, fasting practices have been an important part of our collective human existence, predating much of known history. particularly extended water fasts in the wilderness. All the major religions of the world recognize fasting’s merit. Native Americans, Australian aborigines, Kalahari bushmen, ancient Greeks, just to name a few, all incorporated wilderness fasting into their lives. Zoroaster practiced fasting as did Confucius and the Yogis of India. Plato, Socrates, and Aristotle all fasted. Even Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, believed in the health-benefits of this practice..
This is a minimalistic endeavor in terms of equipment and comfort, aiming to provide the participant the means, set, and setting to connect deeply with themselves as and in nature. Participants must be of sound health in body and mind, and possess a moderate level of outdoor skill.
Caroline and Nils
Nils Harley Boisen
A love for being in nature has always set the tone of Nils’ life. He grew up in the Pacific Northwest, spending much of his free time as a child in the forest, either near his home or deep in the nearby mountains. Nils came to Norway the year he turned 18 to study outdoor recreation. Some years later he received his MSc in ecology and natural resource management from the Norwegian University of Life Sciences. Since then Nils has been working for over ten years with civil society organizations in matters of nature conservation. Nils’ passion and work in helping the world out of the nature and climate crises has led him to see that these challenges are better diagnosed as crises of disconnection. As a fundamental extension of human dependence on nature and the need to therefore be good to the Earth, Nils see’s nature's most important role for people to be as an arena for experiences which keep us meaningfully connected to nature on a personal level. He therefore commits much of his life to exploring and reconnecting people with nature through personally meaningful experiences of wonder and awe.
In his own life, Nils has discovered fasting to be a very effective way to reset and recalibrate the body and mind, and practical in its experienced effect for deepening his own practice of contemplation and self inquiry. In the summer of 2019 Nils discovered the power of water fasting while also completely removing himself from human familiarities and life's routines. In true, ancient forest, Nils discovered a whole new space for vision and connection unfolds when we remove ourselves from life’s routines and amenities. According to Nils, such a retreat provides a view of clarity in seeing the “humanized world” as the abstract notion it is, revealing how the all-encompassing more-than-human world of nature is where our lives are truly seated. In the two summers following his first forest fast experience Nils has shared and refined this practice with others, and looks immensely forward to holding this year’s forest fast together with Carolina Ināya.
Caroline Ināya
I am the founder of Norwegian Sage, a platform for regenerative wisdom and practice, offering guidance, healing and coaching, drawing on the teachings of Nature. My current practice is based in Gran, Hadeland. As an ecotherapist, my day-to-day work is all about listening deeply to nature’s rhythms and flow so that I can better translate her messages to those who are open to listen and receive her gentle whispers. Water fasting is also a beautiful way to deepen and honour your connection to water and the privilege of having access to clean and healthy water. My personal intention for the journey will be to pray for the waters of the Earth and that all beings may experience the purity of our inner and outer waters.
I have been holding space for transformation journeys for seven years, most of them outdoors. As a forest therapist I also hold weekly immersions in the nordic wilderness - held by the changing cycles of the sun, moon and our seasons. I have a background from international diplomacy and peace processes, and have slowly turned inward to explore the dimensions of inner peace. I am also passionate about cultivating regenerative relationships that bring forward our true essence, medicine and wholeness - removing the layers between separation and the full realization of our human potential and expression. I work closely with the plant realm and spend the seasons making herbal remedies, flower essences and teas from the surrounding ecology. My council sessions and circles and inspired by shamanic and indigenous traditions, blended with my nordic heritage.
My practice and lifestyle enables me to cultivate an intimate and enlivened relation to the elements - fire, water, earth, air and ether. In my study of Eastern sciences of awakening and self-illumination, I always return to the wisdom contained in the elements and the relative balance between them. To me, any illness or dis-ease is caused by disruptions in the harmony between our inner and outer nature. Fasting is one of the most potent tools we have to break down the barriers between ourselves and our divine nature, allow any shadows and blockages to dissolve and regain a state of crystal clarity and direction. When I feel drawn away from my dharma, or purpose, fasting always helps me return to my truest and most ecstatic sense of self. Nature provides the clearest of mirrors, my senses are cleansed and I reach an ever deeper connection my surroundings.
I am also certified in Wildernes First Aid by Sierra Rescue.
During the seven days, Caroline and Nils will both be maintaining their own central camps in the same area as the participants. They will be ensuring the smooth logistics and safe solitude of each participant, prior, during, and after the forest fast. Importantly, by making themselves dutifully available, should needs arise, they will be providing the peace of mind that is necessary for each participant to feel safe enough to engage with their inner and outer worlds during the fast. They will also function as the main intermediary contact for loved ones back home, and convey any immediate emergency information from home should such need arise. There will be available for deep conversation and advice, if solitude proves to be difficult, and can otherwise assist with providing guided meditation space if need be. In the aftermath of the fast, the spaceholders are also available for conversation and advice with regard to integration and the path forward.
Old growth reserve “Skotjernfjellet og Snellingsrøysene naturreservat”
Monday June 27th to Sunday July 3rd.
Embarking to the forest on Monday June 27th
For those coming from Oslo: Take the R30 train from Oslo to Harestua that leaves at 13:02 and arrives at 13:42.
From Harestua train station we say farewell to familiar civilization before driving 15 minutes out to the trailhead where we enter the forest.
Returning to civilization on Sunday July 3rd
It is nearly impossible to say when we will ramble out of the forest on Sunday. In all likelihood it will be in the afternoon. The train back to Oslo goes fairly often, so there will not likely be a long wait at the station.
3200 kroner. This covers the fee for the facilitators, firewood, supportive medical equipment for the group.
Requirements for participation
You must be of good physical health, with no existing ailments that could require assistance with regard to the demands of this endeavor.
You must be able to be physically mobile in technical and remote terrain.
You must have mental and emotional stability, with no history of psychological illness that could be exacerbated by remote solitude, discomfort, and inner work.
You must be an experienced outdoorsperson, with the skills and equipment necessary to abide alone in remote nature under potentially uncomfortable conditions.
The organizers will make themselves 100% available in providing advice and help on all aspects of this outing based on knowledge and experience, and will also be of aid should accidents or emergencies occur. Participation in the forest fast includes a commitment to the health and safety of fellow participants.
The organizers take no responsibility for any consequences that this trip may have on anyone’s health and safety. This includes the fasting.
All attendees of this endeavor participate fully under sole responsibility for their own health and safety. While fasting such as practiced during this endeavor is safe for healthy individuals, all who plan to undertake a fast must perform due diligence to investigate how any possible underlying health issues, past and present, can be complicated or compromised by fasting. We the organizers trust that everyone does this due diligence so our ability to old space for all attendees is uninterrupted by avoidable emergencies.
Click here to register and secure your place in the circle. We will send you a follow-up email with information about payment and health declaration form to be returned to us digitally.