Author and activist Howard Thurman said: "Don't ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive and then go do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive." I believe that making a difference starts with feeling alive.
The Norwegian Sage has been whispering in my veins ever since I was a child, closely watching and guiding my spirit as I grew older. She is voice of my ancestors, of the indigenous wisdom carried down in my genes through generations, and the compass I turn to when my balance is disturbed. 2015 felt like the year to honour her energy and begin practicing her teachings.
Growing up in a modern world that is constantly pulling you in different directions, with an overwhelming amount of available choices will silence your intuitive mind. Although it was always present somewhere inside, it took me a long time to remember and discover my inner self and authentic direction. In 2008, I was in a skiing-accident and spent six month literally getting back on my feet again. For the first time in my life I had time, a space opened up for exploring and challenging the truths and structures I thought constituted my self.
I dove deep into yoga philosophy and started meditating several times a day. Realized that I can consciously use my thoughts to program my own reality. That everything starts spinning in the right direction when you begin expressing your own energy instead of being influenced by other people's. It felt like I had thrown myself into the universe without map or compass, but it also felt very safe and intuitive.
At university, I studied humanitarian crises and peace processes for seven years in order to find out how living/human systems are constructed and broken down again by war and instability. Realized that nature is more important than anything else and that the destructive dimensions of global conflicts are emphasized by fragile local communities and institutionalized power relations where nature is given less value.
Traveling around in countries such as Nepal, Burma and Sri Lanka to observe the traditions of indigenous people, political systems, sacred meeting grounds and conflict resolution mechanisms, made me understand, like many a person before me, that the change I wanted to see in the world had to begin with nurturing a sustainable resilience in myself. That my own life had to be 'eco-logical', in accordance with nature's own rhythm, for me to feel happy and calm. I realized that both personal and social development unfolds faster when you work with nature, not against it.
Today I work as a diplomat trainee in the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, continuously confronted with the challenges and dilemmas in our current global systems. There is no doubt that the world is out of balance, but I believe that the synergy between knowledge, communications and technology, combined with love and a little magic will drive the world forward in a more harmonic direction.
I envision a world with political and economic democracy, ecological balance, strong local decision-making power and creative unfolding, where food is medicine, and we take care of each other and our living environment, both animals and plants.
The platform 'Norwegian Sage' is an attempt to nourish a community of people wanting to live closer to nature and taking collective action on issues facing humanity today. I hope to share glimpses into my own life and journey, as well as stories and practices from people and traditions I encounter along the way.
Everything is connected, and every step into the light will make a difference.