As I started going deeper into myself, I also developed a deeper sensitivity to the external world. The vibrations in the food I was eating, the feeling and sensation of my clothes, the quality of my relationships. As if I was accessing the whole story of every single thing - and impression of my surroundings, tracing its energy from creation to its current state. I have had this sensitivity my whole life, but learning to live and rest more deeply in my own presence allowed me to channel it instead of reacting to it.
The time devoted to meditation practices opens a space for insight into the inner constellations and currents which constitute my being. In this light, I am learning to access blockages in the charged flow of nowness, techniques to accelerate their re-solution. Using sensitivity to fine-tune and calibrate the inner compass. Anxiety and insecurity became positive forces, leading me to fully understand the changes I need to make in my life in order to spiral forward. I became more resilient to other people’s energy. My food sensitivities slowly eased, and I learned how to organise my environment so that energy would flow more freely. I am still (in) the process.
In the teachings of Tibet’s age-old warrior culture, Shambala, they call it ‘invoking drala’, using your sensitivity to raise a sense of the sacred oneness in your everyday ecology, paying attention to the ‘life’ in your systems, whether it is about food, household, clothing or your own body and mind, or any other aspect of your reality. I am learning that sensitivity is a strength, and that learning to master it is an art which not only leads to a profound sense of gratitude but allows me to experience each passing moment facing the radiance of the Great Eastern Sun.