Breath. Sangha. Homecoming. Elders. Vision Quest. Elemental Wisdom. Ayurveda. Dharma. Spirit of the Forest. Some glimmering dewdrops of the last Forest Breath retreat of this season, held by Magnus Støre and Caroline Hargreaves.
We gathered to honour the changing of the seasons and harvest the sweet memories of fall. Autumn is a perfect time of practicing the Art of Contemplation and exploring our deepest roots and essential belonging. Through a deep exploration of the conscious inhale and exhale, we opened to allow fresh vitality and clarity to enter our ecology. We drew the swords of St. Michaels discerning force to illuminate our shadows and ignorance, shared yogic and nordic sadhana, shared the rhythms of the day as a family, celebrated the coming of autumn and found our inner medicines and gifts in the soothing silence of the rich and vibrant forests of Harestua, Nordmarka.
Supported by a circle of fellows, we left feeling regenerated, inspired and at home in our hearts. We are honoured to have shared this journey and co-created a sacred and safe space for practicing self-love and a more natural way of being.
Thank you to Mira Beckstrøm Laurantzon for the nurturing, caring preparation of Nordic Ayurvedic meals and to Nicolas Canon for your deep listening and keeping the fires and flames alive!
In light and shadow,
Magnus and Caroline
Golden Milk alá Magnus
- en utmerket styrkedrikk og selvkjærlighetserklæring.
4dl melk eller havremelk
1 ingefærbit på størrelse med en to tommeltotter, skåret i små biter
3 store dadler, eller 4 små skåret i små biter
1/4 ts svart pepper
1 til 2 ss gurkemeie (du kan smake deg frem)
Valgfritt: 1 ts kardemomme og eller 1 kanelstang.
Varmes uten å koke i 10 minutter og stavmikses (uten kanelstangen). Kan også varmes litt lengre og siles av om du ikke har stavmikser. Det blir aller best om man varmer opp på morgenen, og så lar stå å modne gjennom dagen og drikkes på kvelden, men det går også fint å lage den on-the-go. Drikken er varmende, anti inflammatorisk, anti viral og jordende - og styrker kroppens evne til å holde på livsenergi.