I just got challenged to make a list of conscious choices I have made this year to make the world a better place. I have to travel a lot with work, which equals a high Co2 footprint and a bad conscience, so I decided to make some adjustments and take responsibility to help balance it out somehow. Every footprint matters.
- Drastically reduce plastic waste. I try not to buy anything that is wrapped in plastic, always bring my own bags to the store, avoid drinks from plastic bottles, etc.
- Make an effort to bring back the wisdom of the sages, indigenous knowledge and lessons, and apply them in my daily life. There is a great peace to be found in creating rituals for yourself, paying respect to the sacred in your life, whether it is expressing your gratitude for all the joys surrounding you in the morning or just lighting a candle for humanity in the night..
- Make your own hygienic products. Baking soda is a great substitute for shampoo, apple cider vinegar for conditioner, aromatherapy-infused coconut or argan oil for the skin and choosing conscious brands for face paint/makeup.
- Every time you spend money, you are choosing the world you want to live in. I have spent less than 400$ on new clothes this whole year. I get most of my clothes from markets around town + trading with other people, and still manage to feel professional and sharp (believe it or not). In our flatshare, almost all the furniture and kitchenware have had other homes before. #thesharingeconomy
- Find mentors. Stay in touch with the men and women of all ages if they have something to teach you. I have a handful, and keep returning to them when I feel like my inner compass is spinning off course.
- Beach cleanups. Marine plastic pollution is the worst. Every time I am by the sea (often, having to remain sane in the city), I bring a bag and collect whatever it is that people have used the ocean to get rid of. Bring a friend and share the love, you’ll be surprised how many people will stop, ask, and learn. In yoga philosophy, they call this karma yoga, selfless service to others AND the environment.
- MEDITATION. Create a quiet space in your mind and fill it with light. Breaking down the barriers and fears that society has built up around you takes a great deal of courage. My friend Åsmund taught me it is okay to cry and that weakness and that true openness is one of your greatest strengths. Yoga and a vegetarian diet also helps the planet breathe <3
- Give back, pay it forward. There are many people in Oslo at the moment that could use some warmth, physically and mentally. Sometimes, a warm coffee or a smile can make someone’s day, think about this when you pass by on your way to and from your busy meeting.
- Engagement. Doing what makes you feel alive and surrounding yourself with people who inspire you and also want to make a difference. Help out where you can.
- Choose your thoughts and words carefully. Thoughts are energy which manifests itself faster than you think. Self-program yourself with visual imagery, books and music that take you on inward journeys. Be positive, and never ever put yourself down, because you are incredible and we love you.