"When a priestess is truly seated on her throne, she realizes that she carries the throne within her. Our bodies are the temple of our souls. To be seated on the throne is to be well placed inside our own sacred chambers, deeply grounded into the root of Mother Earth, well seated in the center of our belly, as we connect to the stars and the sky and let the Goddess’s inspiration, her words, and actions flow through us."
Dear Friend,
It’s early Tuesday morning in Village Island (Bygdøy). The first day of December. The house is clean and the fire is burning softly with soothing sounds of the birch wood releasing its sunlight back to the sky.. The frost has descended upon Oslo, and the trees are sparkling with white crystal. I’m writing all of the below in ‘true time’ or ‘sanntid’ as one could say in Norwegian - the words unraveling within and around the winds of the deep breaths. Many of this months’ reflections have been related to this concept. The truth of the moment. Our relative ability to create space around our own moment so that we can make the choices that are aligned with our dharma, our sacred path. How so many of our entanglements and conflicts arise from our addiction to the patterns of the pain-body - which is trapped in the confines of time and the churning of the seasons. This journal entry is an invitation to return to the truth of your present moment - the portal of your Inner Mystery School.
For centuries, the nature of the Mystery Schools were hidden, obscured and protected from the masses, to protect the holders and the essence of the teachings - the art and science of human empowerment. For me, travels to my Inner Mystery has enabled me to dialogue with my teachers across lifetimes, a gateway to my deepest wisdom and essence - Universal Truth. It is where we are given our rites of passage, initiations and councils for awakening to higher spiritual understanding/gnosis. Most of all, the Inner Mystery School is a commitment to activate the Higher Self - with a strong acknowledgement and trust in Self as our school’s headmaster. The path to gain and build this trust can be long and weary. It requires long periods of solitude and contemplation - and a fundamental choice to deepen and expand the connection to the inner realms. There has never been a more critical time in our human history to tune in to the scriptures of ‘know thyself’ - the omniscience of the Oracle. As it is written - ‘My Father’s house has many mansions’ (John 14:2). The pathways to the centre of the labyrinth are many, but only one will lead to the innermost cave where the eternal flame of the greatest master of the all, the One Heart, burns ever-so brightly. Yet, the question always lingers.. How to get there?
Of course, there is no clear answer, as this would take away all the fun. As your consciousness expands, you will see that even though the path may seem dark and windy, there is a sacred geometry to every step on the way. This is where the Art of Contemplation comes in - to create space around your experience so that you will be able to notice the crossroads and signposts when you are ready to open the portals to a deeper truth. Contemplation is the pause and inner forest clearings we carve out on the way, where we can relax, chew on a straw, enjoy a steaming cup of wild herbs, take a deep breath and reflect on the quality of our journey thus far. Contemplation transcends the intellect and allows for the intuition to open new understandings in our mind - like drawing lines between the sparkling stars of insight so that we can read the constellations of our destiny. One of my greatest teachers of contemplative practice has been Richard Rudd, the founder of The Gene Keys - as well as frequent forest therapy immersions, which allow me to bring the reflections out in nature and plant the crystalline truth-seeds in the living, fertile Earth so the Northern Mystery Schools will be activated and flourish upon the land.
December in the Northern Hemisphere holds an opportunity to poor some more ghee into the lamps of our inner awareness. Humanity is on the verge of a breakthrough in our evolution, and the guardians of this light are required to step forth to guide us into the next leap in consciousness. As my own keychain to enter past the Doors of Durin is still of humble size, here are some of the master keys from my own collection that may fit in your locks..
The First Key is the hermetic principle of ‘as above, so below’, as contextualized in the Emerald Tablets of Thoth. The deep knowing that your outer world is a direct reflection of your inner world - and that you are the sole creator of your reality. Which means - in essence - that by taking responsibility of our own energy, you can begin to design a life where the quality of this core energy, your prana and chi, is at the centre of your experience. My last three years have been committed to this kind of ‘life design’ or ‘bio-hacking’ - consciously shaping my inner and outer environment in tune with my Inner Master’s voice, song - hum. This said, the dance between Heaven and Earth is not free of friction and turmoil - and so..
The Second Key I offer is patience. Although my inner teacher knows how things could be, should be - will be - these truths may not come into fruition in many more lifetimes still, and we will have to practice restraint as the doors to the present moment cannot be forced open. This gives a new flair to anxiety, worry, stress and pain - as they can be teachers in their own right - showing us where we are not aligned with our highest expression - and where we still have room to pull in or loosen the ropes of our sails.
The Third Key is trusting the intelligence of the body - creating spaces in your day-to-day for a nurturing the deep dialogue with your biological temple - whether this be through meditation, yoga, body-scanning, plant allies or else. Knowing your immune system will give you the physical force shield to protect your nervous system, activate the endocannabinoid receptors and fine-tune your emotional body. Reiki has been my main tool for tuning to the core of my cells in order to know that I am making my choices from heart-mind. Stretch, awaken, activate - following the sensations of pleasure and harmony.
The Fourth Key is establishing your Council - a circle of inner and outer guides that you trust will hold you in the highest light, inspire you to hold others in the highest light - the steady rocks of your stream. My own council consists of guides that have appeared along on the way - from ascended masters (Christ/Sophia, Yin/Yang, Sanat Kumara, Babaji, Yeshe Tsogyal), to ancestors, spirit animals, Death, Gods/Goddesses of the celestial realms, and the occasional wizard and sage. If you have not yet made connection with your guides - be patient - when you know, you know. If you are lucky, they may also come in the form of your Earthen brothers and sisters..
A sense of belonging to a lineage is also important when you are navigating the inner realms - and can make you feel safe and supported on the way. In my own education, I feel deeply connected to the lineage of the White Brotherhood, the mystery schools of ancient Egypt/Alexandria, the Essenes of Qumran, the lineages of Kriya Yoga and the Dakini deity of Tibetan Buddhism. It is not until later in life that I understood that many of my spontaneous experiences in childhood and early adulthood were visits and glimpses of these masters reminding me of my ancient belonging.
For now, my Fifth Key for you is keeping a clean and pure space. In our multidimensional, fast-paced reality, we digest and absorb huge amounts of information in each moment, often leading to mental and sensory overload and disease. Human beings are designed to be empaths, attuners and receives of energy in motion - so that we can listen deeply for any sign of raptures in our own and wider body and bring healing where needed. As many of us are waking up to our own power and opportunities to be of service, to our soul’s medicine - we will require clean spaces for sleeping, eating, socializing - so that we can discern, centre and listen - whether this be in nature or in your treehouse. The lotus is not visible in murky waters. Sage is a great purifier. The altar will hold your intention. Your dreams will hold answers. Listen. Listen, and allow for the embodiment of Spirit in Matter. In all that matters.
Returning to my own present moment, I can only sigh in humility of this divine mystery that is our life. Bow in gratitude to my teachers and all friends and family that I am blessed to be walking this path with, constituting the hall of sacred mosaic mirrors in my universe-city. Hoping that December will bring you solace and serenity to rekindle the light of truth - the light of the I AM - in all your relations.
Remember to stay grounded in the days up the 21st - Winter Solstice, which will be a catalyst for spiritual progress and expansion on ‘the active side of infinity’. No more secrets. The veil is lifting. You may want to limit your coffee intake to allow for greater receptivity - maybe replace it with chaga or golden milk..
Join the group Norwegian Sage ༓・ Healing Arts for a community of fellow seekers and pathfinders - or book a session of your own if you would like to venture deeper into your own mystery school gardens..
‘Speak friend’,
Caroline Ināya
*This work arises from a dedication to serving the divine flow. If you would like to make a donation to keep the river alive, please do this here. May these words leave you refresh and rejuvenated as if you were drinking from a hidden natural spring in the wild woods of the north!
Seasonal Offerings
I am here to serve your highest evolution and the soft unfolding of your human essence. With experience from both western and eastern healing traditions, I offer a wide range of therapies to soothe and inspire your current energetic state. Below are some of the tools and formulas that have helped me on my own path, and that I would love to share with you.
Wisdom Library
A collection of voices that are continuing to support me navigating the samsaric waters with their clarity and direction. Each journal entry will contain new and inspiring readings, podcasts, music and poetry from around our planet.
Poems and Prayers
・༓ Diafragments ༓・
Open your dia-fragments to the kaleidoscopics of the holotropics
open to receive your true dia-gnosis ~ descending in disruptive osmosis..
and dial~late your pupils to the understanding of the dia-meta-bolic processes
of this diagn-awesome reality. really..
let your kundalini slither hexa/treta/poly/dia~go~nagual~ly
and surrender to the highest dia-gramatical mentality.
particularly, atanom-atomly whoa~lly..
we are the dia-sporas of ethereal mycelium..
disssolving and solving all serpentular and seraphimous spectrums of this vast continuum..
live ~ and let die ~ to the the All-Seeing I ~ of dia~mond quality.
char-coiling under pressure of this brilliant turmolity.
die ~ absolutely ssscertain that you can tear apart the curtain..
and assert ~ for certain ~ the dawning possibility
~ that we have cracked the codes of immortality.
dial 108 and listen ~ to the silent sound magician..
aial-sooner-than-later ~ alligator.. and witness a wand of a thousand feathers open ~ as the white swan shakes off any remnant scales ~ to fill her sails..
dial in, dial strong.. and be swallowed by her song
~ landing oh, SO softly in the HUM..
of the Universal One.
Illustration: Ashley Christudason