“A new spirituality is arising, one that upholds the self, the heart and the body. It is both a very ancient and very evolutionary spirituality. It is a spirituality that calls on us not to denigrate, transcend or reject who we are as a self, but rather to embody it and ennoble it in service of mankind and the Earth. It is a spirituality of freedom and of service, in other words, of authenticity and solidarity.”
— Chris Saade
Dear Friend,
I woke up this morning having experienced the most potent dreams in a long time 〜 full of energy to share. One of winter’s many gifts was the space to cultivate a practice of Earth Dreaming, connecting to the dreams of Mother Earth herself - finding that my dream journeys are taking new depth and form.. Under my bare feet, I can feel her waking up too - as the green life force is slowly emerging from the soil.. Another emerging practice is a deep surrender to the Way of Water 〜 of honouring the water in my inner and outer nature and a surrender to the dew drops, rivers and waterfalls of my dharma. For me, last year was all about fire - and 2021 I am dedicating to water in all its forms..
As put by Richard Rudd:
“When you see the world through the Water Eye your primary awareness rests with your breath, your body and its gentle rhythms and with the movement of life all round you … all of life sees with you and all of life comes towards you. The Fire Eye is the seeker inside you that led you here … the inquirer, the seeker, the knower. It leads you on a dance through life as you leap from one experience to another … in the ever changing landscape of dreams.
Rare is the human being who can give their life over to the Water Eye. It is the subtlest of the subtle. It is the softest, most paradoxical, most mysterious presence inside you. The Water Eye is a power without force, without emotion, without warmth. If you allow the lens of the Water Eye to open inside your being, you will begin to view your life and the world in a completely new way..”
Ripples Waves of Venus
When I dip my finger in the collective waters to tune into the temperature our shared heart-mind, I sense a feeling of relief and joy for the times that are now coming. For me, winter has been about deep shadow work and wrapping myself in new silken veils of self-respect and self-love. I have had strong emotional releases, tears streaming, channels bursting open as a result of the work put down in The Venus Sequence, a Gene Keys programme where we follow the Pathways of Love, using our daily lives and our relationships to fuel of our spiritual transformation.
Working with the Gene Keys, we are able to de-program the low frequencies in our DNA and release stagnant vibrations and old programming which prevent us from living from our highest soul expression. If you are interested in receiving a Venus Reading, I would love to receive you. We will be looking into themes such as patterns of co-dependency, emotional maturity, spiritual realization, our wounding mechanisms and techniques for de-armouring our core wound. On the other side, I feel rejuvenated, as if my human being has been put through an energetic upgrade, allowing more rainbows to burst forward with clarity and colour!
As Chris Saade so finely puts it - a new spirituality is emerging - a practice opening us to freedom and service. To our sacred selves, each other, our waters and the earth. Restoring the balance and harmony to the world again 〜 with each step and breath.
Let it flow,
Caroline Ināya
*This work arises from a dedication to serving the divine flow. If you would like to make a donation to keep the river alive, please do this here. May these words leave you refresh and rejuvenated as if you were drinking from a hidden natural spring in the wild woods of the north!
Cycledelics : The Journey
Since I began writing the Sage Stories, I intended to publish a newsletter each month, but I found myself enveloped in the tight cocoon of the seed, and was not even able to write a single word for several of the darker months. Resting in the presence of yin, immersed in the emotional waters and the silent metamorphosis of the dragonfly. In early February however, I felt an immense force throbbing in my third eye, and was not able to sleep for several nights 〜 resulting in the birth of the ‘Cycledelics’ programme.
‘Cycledelics’ is an online experience, designed to nurture your relationship to your inner teacher and carve out a deeper space for the art of contemplation to unfold in your life. It feels like the aromatic essence of all my favourite connection practices thus far on my own path, and I am so excited to share it with you!
The course lasts for eight weeks, which a combination of lectures and sharing circles - from venturing into our the caves of our inner mystery school to taking the practice into the heart of nature, learning about the glowing flames of the creative principle, and coming together in ceremony to celebrate the cosmos and life itself!
We begin on Wednesday the 14th of April - and the deadline for signing up is this week! Let’s make the unconscious conscious, reconnect to our natural intelligence and heal humanity in the process!
*If you have already signed up, you will receive the welcome letter, community invitation and material at the end of this week.
Seasonal Offerings
I am here to serve your highest evolution and the soft unfolding of your human essence. With experience from both western and eastern healing traditions, I offer a wide range of therapies to soothe and inspire your current energetic state. Below are some of the tools and formulas that have helped me on my own path, and that I would love to share with you.
Cycledelics: The Journey - April 14th
Gathering: Wim Hof og Elementenes Alkymi - Finnskogen, Norge - April 18-22
Pathfinding / Solar Transmissions - Oslo and online
Forest Therapy Sessions - Oslo + virtual experiences
Gene Key Readings - Oslo and online
Women’s Circles - on request
Expressive Art Therapy and Art Commissions - on request
Rites of Passage / Guided Medicine Walks - on request
Join the group Norwegian Sage ༓・ Healing Arts for a community of fellow seekers and pathfinders - or book a session of your own if you would like to venture deeper into your own mystery school gardens..
Poems and Prayers
cerebral streams
your pathways
discern again
now listen
to the
air - earth - fire - water
and ether
of your channels
structure the direction
the compass of what works
new currents
new depths
open these valves
and hold. hold. hold the space
for how long
can you remain in - and maintain
the field between the inhale and the exhale
feel it expand
where time does not exist
and the circle is resting
in a point of eternal non-duality
shifting, circulation, recycling
the fluctuation of the cerebral energy
your very own cycledelic remedy