Today I woke up with a great peace, carving out deeptime to write some reflections in the midst of transitions. I feel a deep sense of gratitude for all of the masters and teachers having walked the path of the Great Work before us. Teachers that help us anchor and guard the wisdom and practice of the ages into our bones, womb and heartsoil.
When I had my first kundalini awakening in 2008, I wandered into Psyche’s Garden in Scotland and met Alison Strandberg who would become my Reiki Master in the Mikao Usui Lineage. I dove into the yoga and meditation practices of Ananda Marga and rekindled my connection to Source and a rembrance of foundational tools. Later, I met Lars Muhl and Githa Ben David and was initiated into the Melchiezedek Lineage and the Mystery Schools of Yeshua/Mariam of the Essenes.
Growing up without cleans role models of wholeness and heart in our community, Nature became my main teacher. Listening to the teachings of the forests and seas, aliveness in our ecosystems, the rustling of leaves and roots of our Inner Yggdrasil ~ whispers and solace of my ancestors in the elemental realms.. Curiosity of plant consciousness opening me to the guidance of roots, herbs, mushrooms and flowers ~ to mention Asia Suler and Adrian Freedman. On the way, I have found teachers such as Umā Inder who is guided by the ancient yogic nature scriptures, and others such as Amos Clifford who have developed ways to connect the modern world to nature consciousness, by the art of forest therapy, and Richard Rudd on the magic of the Gene Keys.
Our teachers become our anchors. A place to rest- and return to in the chaotic waves of Samsara. Solemn harbours of truth and soft sights in a world out of tune. At present, I am blessed to work with Kjetil and Daniela at Vaajma Academy, deepening into the art of craniosacral therapy. In cranio, light touch is used to tune into our membranes and movement of fluids in and around the central nervous system, opening for ancient understandings of the field of our life force and nurturing our inner waves. Adjusting a Karma-torn being back to the original attunement of Nature’s rhythms and flow is the work of a lifetime. In gratitude and reverence to all teachers and guides. Grateful for the river, grateful for the Dao.