Exhaling as I am washed up at the Port of Ports, Portal of Portals, Harbour of Harbours ~ of Hope after lightyears sailing the frothing seas of Kali Yuga. Rescued from death by drowning in dangerously disturbed doshas. Being thrown a lifeline by the Statute of Liberation herself, as she pulled me out of the muddy waters of wear and tear ~ Ah, the scent of Lady Lotusflower, always watching, keeping near.. A’Board Her Ship, to find my Place and Grab the Ore, to Go Beyond the Gate of Gates of Gate Gate ~ a voyage to my very own Core:Wound of Divorce ~ and the brutal disconnect from Source.
Hands and fists clutching on the metal bars of mental cages, like serpents we slither from all corners of the Earthen Cave ~ for Umā Inders orchestrated whirlpool of osmosis ~ a relief from modern age psychosis. Resuccitated from the Samsaric Waters ~ knowing that we are all her beloved sons daughters. Hibernating in a Sea of Ghee. Drinking MoonDrops ~ while conquering inner mountain tops. Floating in the Golden Abyss of Bliss. Giving it all to She Who Is. Under the Grace of God and Goddesses of Grace, I surrendered to the loving rays of Sun (Geeta) and Moon (Isha). A much awaited meeting with the Magistrates in the Ministry Of Interior Majesty. Nurturing nurses clearing out residue from the residence of the Queen of Queens.
Panchakarma ~ we went golddigging-and diving for the debris of the deepest treasures of toxicities in the depth of depths of the deepest seas. Twixt’ tender tissue, vayus and veins. To the very roots of the sea~weeds of suffering and garbage of gravity stored in the Godforsaken~ and then found caves and corners of the all-awakened. Tracing my suffering to the tender tips of the roots and branches of the Annamaya Tree, expelling unwanted winds, waste and visitors by setting them free.
A systematic spring clean after the Dark Nights and Seasons of the Inner Soil, preparing the temple grounds for the Nagas to coil.. Direct experience of the inner caleido~micro~scopic carvings on the inner temple walls, constellations and mosaics of transmutable frustration. From reactivity to receptivity. Rewriting and rewiring of neural programming. From eating-in-disorder to easing into order. From consumed to conscious consumer, drowned to crowned. From imbalance ~ to in-gloriousbalance, followed by the victorious dance of a sneha trance. An unspoken invitation to Umas soma~dripping beehive ~ where each set of winged human wonders are allowed, allowed, allowed to thrive.
Panckarma ~ a complete decolonization ~ of the colon. Venom. Vanity. Violence. Victim. Vikruti. Vamana. Virechana. Vasti. Wasted potential and parasites seduced to the surface by vedic potions of paradise. Feeling billions of inner pathways light up under purges and purifications, pujas and purnamidams. An embodied homage to the God~forgiving forces of Nature. Rocked gently in the hermetical hammocks of a Kerala heaven. A chance to curl up into child’s pose in in the palms of my Mother Creator ~ tears flow as she opens the first of many real conversations with the most dreaded of the devi dealbreakers. Then stretched and molded under the hands of Brahmas beloved bakers. Kneaded, tossed and turned ~ churned, before marinating in Our Earth’s finest herbs ~ swallowed whole to hollowed out ~ carved and sculpted to mirror the resplendent image of our maker. The left to rise in the fuming ovens of her wide open chest, restoring thousands of years of needed rest.
Panchakarma ~ Exhaling and ripening in Nature’s Palms. Chanting her sweet symphonies and psalms.. A purifying pilgrimage to the crystalline chambers and flickering butterlamps of the most secluded sephulcres and sanctums of the cellular Ram and Sitadells ~ carrying the oils of illumination and luminous liberation. Naked on the altar, swept in Our Mother’s Love. A horizontal throne - as below, so above. Enters the beaming heart of Hanuman, the laughter of Krishna. The merciful compassion of Tara and Om Gam Ganapata Ye Namaha. To clean and to clear the way, clarify and caress, celebrate and calibrate the cerebrospinal fluidity and flow. Let every fragment of our inner universe sail ~ and unveil its utmost potential ~ glorious glow.
A last ~ a downpooring of resplendant revelation ~ in each and every pore, the rejewelation of the crown, dark pearlesescent crows dancing to Saturn’s fierceful frowns ~ takra dara/dara takra, a thousand amla dewdrops rain upon sahasrara chakra.. Exhilleration of the sensual realities of circulation and sensory salutations. A world restored ~ Dhanvantri’s seal ~ prakruti to laugh and heal. Lo and and behold, a golden bowl of Mother Nature’s metta-morphosis, served by the Ayurvedic Grace of Gnosis.
Many lovers, but only One True Love.
Many streams but only One Ocean.
Many teachers, but only One Master.
Om Namah Shivaya, you had me at Namaste.
Panchakarma ~ a mere miracle of day and age ~ the gift of gifts to my genetic lineage ~ unwinding from the unconscious programs of my multidimensional heritage. From the Avidya of Misery to the flickering flames of Adishakti. Resting rooted, in an a-livened-stream of conscious-enough-ness. Lit up from within. A chance to balance everything. I open as the Rose of the Beloveds made One. A vessel for Immunity ~ the embodied realization of I’m Unity. Emerging as anchors of HIS saturated silence. HER winds are mind-blowing still, but of a softer quality this time around.. A gentler will. A rush of blood, a sudden bow.
She has arrived. She’s Here. She’s Now.