Å frydes i Naturens fullkommenhet.. Et Guds-glitrende malestrøk svøpes over Dronningens lerret. En mørk og hul ild brenner sakte ned til jorda, og sagaenes stemmer opprotes, her for den gildeste av feiringer. En urgammel urkvinnes urminnemedisinnstemthet runger i Hel’s Hymner og Haller. Huleløvene viser Veien med stødige skritt ~ tunge poter beveger seg majestetisk over nordiske stepper.. En Havørn sklir over det dypblå himmelhvelvet ~ hennes vinger skjærer gjennom lagene mellom elsker og elsket. En hånd strekkes ut, en livslinje kastes frem, en trone gjenreises. Hva er det mer å si? Hva er det mer å gjøre? Vivendelens søte duft fyller friluftens glødende bølger, og vi fødes på ny, på ny, på ny..
Rejoicing in Nature’s fullness.. A God-glimmering brush sweeps across the Canvas of the Queen.. A dark and hollow fire burning slowly to the ground, as the voices of the sagas and seers are unearthed, here for the greatest of celebrations.. A deep remembering echoes in the Halls and Hymns of Hecate.. The Cave Lions lead the Way with steady steps ~ their paws move majestically across the nordic plains.. A White-tailed Eagle soars across the bright blue skyscape ~ her wings slicing through the layers between lover and beloved.. A hand reaches out, a lifeline is thrown, a throne restored.. What is left to say? What is left to do? As the sweet fragrance of Honeysuckle saturates these glowing waves of open air, we are reborn, reborn, reborn..
~ Hjartøya, Alvheim
“Wherever an altar is found, there civilization exists.”
— Joseph de Maistre
«Wherever an Altar is activated, there is hope for civilization.»
— Norwegian Sage
Creating and nurturing an Altar is a sign that I have made space for abundance, for beauty and presence, in the spiraling streams and seams of Samsara. Maintaining a daily altar practice helps regenerate and circulate the systems and households of our ecology.. A continuous dialogue with the more-than-human world.. A soft promise to our Earth Mother that we are doing our best to take care of her..
The Altar is a physical manifestation of a cosmic anchor point, connecting us to Spirit and the forces of Nature. A center in the Madness of our Multidimensional Existence. A place for honouring the five elements ~ Earth, Fire, Water, Air and Ether. The One Heart. Our Inner Teacher. Shadow and Light. Honouring our Body, our Temple, our inner and outer Home. Honouring our Ancestors. Our Teachers, our Wisdom Keepers. For convening in Meditation, Contemplation, Revelation.
For each turning of the Solar Wheel I open and close a new cycle; for every Full or New Moon, I leave a token of appreciation. For every nascent flame, an intention of Peace. A prayer for Wholeness. A reaching for Hope. A~whispering blessings to the water, asking her to pass the messages of Unity along to all the interconnected molecules of H2O ~ for Life ~ and her flow.
Alteret ~ Alt er Ett.