From the deep roots of Mary Magdalene to the fertile forests of Yggdrasil. From Sage to Saga.. The mythologies that are alive in us define who we are, and where we draw our inspiration for our lives. The fairytales we were drawn to in childhood often simmer in our subconscious and make up the pathways on which we carve out our lives and from where we consciously or unconsciously manifest our future..
And as to the beat of the old drums, we slowly find our rhythm and flow on the Samsaric Seas. Moving beyond our forefathers’ and mothers’ post-war survival mindset and our own limiting beliefs, there is a field of great abundance and possibility where we have the freedom to form our own fate.
In norse mythology, the Rune WYRD, refers to this very web - empty of form and glowing with potential - in the theological heart of Ásatrú. The Viking approached the runes with great respect, knowing that they made up the fundamental laws in the making of our reality. Carl Jung speaks of the process of ‘individuation’, where your inner and outer landscapes come into harmony and creates a complete sensation of wholeness, lasting for seconds, weeks or years. All the strings in perfect attunement.. And so runs the river of the Dao..
Becoming a guardian of Lindalen in Finnskogen with my sisters Mira and Merete feels like one of these significant moments in the web of life, where a whole timeline collapses into one - eternal - moment. The land has been calling for some years, and I have kept returning with greater honour and gratitude. Listening to the voices in the leaves and soil, in the rocks and roots. Restoring the reverence and respect for the deep feminine vibrations in the natural elements.✨
A story to be continued..