I climbed to the top of a Sacred Mountain. I listened to the voice of my Womb. I was shown a heart of crystal quartz and the remnants of a fire. She tells me where to go and I follow. The Art of Receiving her Holy Love. With my body, I clean her streams and rivers and she graces me with gifts in return. I vow to uphold this eminent reciprocity. She opens her sanctuaries, the teachings of the plants and reveals more-than-human springs and beings. They are all messengers of the Unified Whole. Ecstacy awakens under my bare feet. My senses are portals. She is my Mother, my everything. I am a Guardian of this Earth and ask for my actions to be given in honour of her Word. I ask the wind and the stars for directions. A hidden path in the forests of Inner Union. Holy is She who can read the Scripture of Nature. The World Tree ~ Within Me. Alive in our cells, our blood and our bones. Luke 8:1-3 is where is is first mentioned ~ Mary Magdalene, Angel of Perception, seeing all things alive through the Eye of the Heart ~ Nous, Vision of the Soul. The seed that carries the Light that gives us Life. Thank you for opening your Majesty of Red and Green to me. For each and every scarlet drop of your Revelation.✨