It is with deep gratitude I publish these words after a beautiful nature immersion with Food Studio in Drangedal, Norway. I was invited to share the ecotherapy practices of the retreat - from shinrin yoku/forest bathing to outdoor sauna rituals and council circles. The shifting weather pattern of these realms made it a rejuvenating and refreshing experience. In forest therapy, participants are guided into deep sensory contact with nature - in order to return to our senses, the present moment and the resting heart rate of Mother Earth.
The forest bathing was woven into a high quality experience of food empathy, organic ingredients and aesthetics, led by founder of Food Studio, Cecilie Dawes. Her team never seize to amaze me with their professional standards and inspiration for a natural and sustainable lifestyle.
“The GetAway experience is series of seasonal workshops and dinners where you take part in harvesting, foraging and making dinner together. Food Studio collaborates closely with knowledgeable people ranging from foragers to farmers to challenge the daily way we think about and work with food, and to open up for new ideas and solutions for future food.” Read more about FoodStudio here.
Photos: Alexander Benjaminsen